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Web Hosting
Premium Webhosting
- Swiss Datacenter
- Unbeschränkte Bandbreite
- Zusätzliche Domains
- SSL-Zertifikat enthalten
- Software-Installer
Voice Server Hosting
Starten Sie Ihren eigenen Community Voice Server
- TeamSpeak 3 / Mumble
- Unbeschränkte Bandbreite
- Keine Verkehrsbeschränkungen
- Keine Codec-Beschränkungen
- Keine Kanalgrenzen
Die Features unseres Hostings
CEO - FuturaHosters.com
FuturaHosters.com is here to deliver unparalleled hosting services
FuturaHosters.com was started in 2006 with a vision to cater to the hosting needs of small, medium and large sized businesses with a focus on digital entrepreneurs and web professionals. We are Network & Systems Engineers, Software Developers and long-time friends who began to work on Computers more than 25 years ago, when Internet was just a dream. This is our Job, this is our Hobby and this simply is our Passion. Our technical experience ranges from the simple PC (Windows, Linux, Mac) installation and managing to the larger-scale network & service engineering and administration. To top it off we also hold experience in developing ad-hoc software for customers. As said, that's our passion and that's the main reason why we achieved the necessary know-how to provide our customers with the best service quality ever seen.
During this time we've seen trends and technology come and go but one thing remains, web hosting is still a requirement for any website and there is a art to providing a reliable and secure service which we believe to have mastered. Join today and take your website's hosting environment to the next level.
Jun 14th New PHP Versions Released
Dear Customers, this announcement is here to notice you that we have updated all the PHP versions on all our web servers. Our Customers are now able to choose the following new versions:- Old: PHP 7.3.28 => New: PHP 7.3.28 (Changelog) - The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.28. This is a security release.- ... weiterlesen »
May 31st New PHP Versions Released
Dear Customers, this announcement is here to notice you that we have updated all the PHP versions on all our web servers. Our Customers are now able to choose the following new versions:- Old: PHP 7.3.27 => New: PHP 7.3.28 (Changelog) - The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.28. This is a security release.- ... weiterlesen »